Sexual Education: A Handbook for parents

- Authors: Jenaro Molina, The Congregation for Catholic Education and the Pontifical Council on the Family
- 176 pages
- Size: 12×18 cm
When faced with the delicate task of explaining human sexuality to their children parents often feel that they do not know when or where to start. This handbook provides you with a wealth of knowledge to confidently be able to bring up your children as Christian men and women.
Part I presents Sexual Education and your Child. Here, Jenaro Molina, a father with a wide experience in the education of his eleven children and in his twenty years as a teacher, shares with us some useful and very practical ways of explaining the origin of life.
Part II contains two documents of the Church. The first is Educational Guidance in Human Love, issued by the Congregation for Catholic Education. Drawn up with the help of educational experts and submitted to wide consultation it provides information and advice for parents and teachers based on the integral formation of a Christian.
The second document, The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality, Guidelines for Education within the Family, contains valuable information which parents need to know in order to exercise their rights and carry out their duties in the moral upbringing of their children.