The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching

  • Author: Chantal Epie
  • 272 pages
  • Size:  12×18 cm
  • Price: N2,000

Straight from Scripture: Solid proofs of Catholic teaching!

This comprehensive and user-friendly guide proves that, contrary to Protestant claims, the Bible teaches the Catholic Church’s central doc­trines – including the primacy of St. Peter, apostolic succession, the Immaculate Conception and perpetual virginity of Mary, and the institu­tion of the Church and the Sacraments by Christ Himself. With abundant references to the Gospels, the Epistles of St. Paul, and the Old Testament, author Chantal Epie presents a comprehensive out­line of the teachings of the Catholic Faith. In doing so, she illustrates not only that the Catholic Faith is fully Bible-based, but that only the Catholic Church truly interprets the Bible correctly: At the same time, she demon­strates the wonderful unity of Scripture and God’s Providence in planning from the dawn of time for the Church’s flowering.

The facts about much-misunderstood doctrines

Epie cuts through common misunderstandings of the Scriptures and Church doctrines, bringing you to an accurate and firmly Catholic understanding of each. She illuminates each doctrine with a clear, easy-to-follow narrative to help you understand how the Bible pas­sages she cites for each doctrine form the foundation of the Church’s teaching. That makes this book not only a valuable tool for Catholics and non-Catholics alike – it’s also an enlightening refresher course in Scripture and the teachings of the Church!


“Are you barraged by Bible quotes from non-Catholics who try to use Scripture as a weapon against the Church? If so, this book is for you.” Paul Thigpen, Ph. D., author, The Rapture Trap.