The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching

- Author: Chantal Epie
- 272 pages
- Size: 12×18 cm
Straight from Scripture: Solid proofs of Catholic teaching!
This comprehensive and user-friendly guide proves that, contrary to Protestant claims, the Bible teaches the Catholic Church’s central doctrines – including the primacy of St. Peter, apostolic succession, the Immaculate Conception and perpetual virginity of Mary, and the institution of the Church and the Sacraments by Christ Himself. With abundant references to the Gospels, the Epistles of St. Paul, and the Old Testament, author Chantal Epie presents a comprehensive outline of the teachings of the Catholic Faith. In doing so, she illustrates not only that the Catholic Faith is fully Bible-based, but that only the Catholic Church truly interprets the Bible correctly: At the same time, she demonstrates the wonderful unity of Scripture and God’s Providence in planning from the dawn of time for the Church’s flowering.
The facts about much-misunderstood doctrines
Epie cuts through common misunderstandings of the Scriptures and Church doctrines, bringing you to an accurate and firmly Catholic understanding of each. She illuminates each doctrine with a clear, easy-to-follow narrative to help you understand how the Bible passages she cites for each doctrine form the foundation of the Church’s teaching. That makes this book not only a valuable tool for Catholics and non-Catholics alike – it’s also an enlightening refresher course in Scripture and the teachings of the Church!
“Are you barraged by Bible quotes from non-Catholics who try to use Scripture as a weapon against the Church? If so, this book is for you.” Paul Thigpen, Ph. D., author, The Rapture Trap.