Loving and Living Chastity

- Author: J. L. Soria
- 126 pages
- Size: 12×18 cm
With a positive and clear language this book presents the basis of what Christ has taught us, namely, that everything we are commanded by God’s law is easy if there is love. The first part covers the sixth and ninth commandments in the light of the love of God, as an invitation to love, and not from a legalistic point of view, seeing the commandments as a protection of the gift of sexuality which calls the human person to love. The second part covers courtship, the period that normally precedes marriage, which is seen as a preparation for a life-long commitment of love to form a family. The third part is the Document of the Pontifical Council for the Family “Human Sexuality: Truth and Meaning” which, with many practical orientations, clarifies the moral values the Church has always taught. This is especially useful when some loud dissenting voices obscure the teachings of Christ on sexual morality.