History of the Sacred Passion

- Author: Luis de la Palma
- 382 pages
- Size: 12×18 cm
Following the narratives found in the four Gospels, this book helps the reader visualise step by step the Passion of our Lord.
Warmly recommended to those who want to seek Christ, to find Christ, to love Christ . Provides matter for spiritual reading and furnishes inspiration r personal meditation.
The Cross and its corollaries, such as the life of sacrifice a Christian is called to, are treated with great depth. These considerations draw affections from the heart and lead to practical resolutions.
The narrative brings out the spiritual qualities inherent in every scene. Helps to accompany Christ so closely that one becomes part of the unfolding drama of the Cross.
The author proves himself a master of paradox in writing of the greatest paradox of all – the God-Man. Restates the truth in new vivid and appealing ways.
A passionate portrait of Jesus, true God and true Man, the Teacher, the Healer, and most of all the Saviour whose deeds and promises have sustained mankind for two millennia. Of interest for all Christians.