Friends of God

- Author: St Josemaria Escriva
- 386 pages
- Size: 12×18 cm
FRIENDS OF GOD is a collection of 18 homilies, given by St Josemaria Escriva during his life of tireless preaching. The homilies present a broad picture of the basic human and Christian virtues for all who wish to follow closely in the footsteps of Our Lord. They are neither a theoretical treatise nor potted hints for acquiring spiritual good manners. They contain living doctrine and combine a theologian’s depth with the evangelical clarity of a good shepherd of souls. With St Josemaria’s, words turn into colloquy with God – prayer – but without ceasing to be a heartfelt conversation completely in tune with the concerns and hopes of his listeners. The homilies are, therefore, a lesson in doctrine and in Christian life, in which God is not only spoken of but spoken to. Perhaps it is in this that the secret of his great power of communication lies, because he always refers to the love of God as ‘looking at God without needing rest or feeling tired.’