This delightful book is made up of thirty short chapters, each with a story, sometimes a very human one but which shows the importance of a particular virtue in each case.
The 30 practical tips contained in this book derived from the author’s long experience with his patients and students, whom he has tried to help to live in a positive way. They are intended as a vaccine to prevent anxiety, depression, stress and other ailments and thus achieve a happy life.
“Mental prayer is nothing else than an intimate friendshio, a frequent heart-to-heart with Him by whom we know ourselves to be loved” ST TERESA OF AVILA
This book, written for Christians and non-Christians alike, is meant for readers who are looking for a simple, but not superficial, introduction, which identifies the main thread, the salient features, of Christian history.
Abandonment to Divine Providence is undoubtedly one of the great Christian spiritual works of all time. Called by Dom David Knowles “a spiritual classic of the first order… a book for all those who truly seek God,” it has a deserving place among the outstanding spiritual guides.
About Being A Priest, presents the daily life and duties of a priest, combining practical advice based on experience with theological insight drawn from Sacred Scripture. Among the topics covered are effective preaching, intellectual growth, mortification, the spirit of poverty, and friendship with other priests. guides.
This work leads even the most learned theologian to acknowledge the healthy and profound doctrine expounded. Yet it becomes clear from reading that the book is not written by a theologian but by a soul who has first-hand experience in the school of the Divine Spirit.
This book was written to be used by young people who want to know more about their sexuality and the reason God created them as sexual beings. Because everyone is familiar with the AIDS crisis, the book begins by reviewing some basic medical facts on AIDS.
This book addresses these and many other questions in a direct and relatable way, based on extensive research. Intending couples, singles, counselors, therapists, parents and teachers will find this book a valuable resource, and a great gift to friends and family
A biography about Blessed Guadalupe Ortiz de Landazuri, who was one of the first women in Opus Dei. She obtained a Chemistry degree in 1939 after the Spanish Civil War. She later met St. Josemaria and joined Opus Dei. This biography gives a glimpse of the most important aspects and characteristics of this pioneering woman.
The author defends Catholicism from fundamentalist attacks and explains why fundamentalism has been so successful in converting “Romanists.” He explains the origins of fundamentalism, and examines representative anti-Catholic groups presenting their arguments in their own words. His rebuttals are clear, detailed, and charitable.
The task of effective parentingcan be very daunting. But really, the first step is KNOW YOUR CHILD. The authors of our title Marriage, a path to Sanctity, offer you a couple of key ideas: Communication, Understanding, Friendship. Here is a clear, practical guide to educating your child in freedom and responsibility.
The first published collection of homilies by St Josemaria Escriva ranges through the Church’s liturgical year. The teaching which it contains constantly reflects the connection which should exist between a Christian’s most ordinary – and therefore most human – interests and the transcendence of God.
The Church’s twenty-century -old wealth of spirituality is shon in many devotions: to the Holy Trinity, to the Holy Spirit, to our Lord Jesus Christ and his Passion, to the saints. Starting with the Holy Mass, root and centre of the interior life, this book puts some of these devotions and prayers together with a view to helping Christians pray both privately and collectively.
By common consent the work known as the Confessions of St. Augustine has a special place among the world’s great books. Autobiographical in character, it is not an attempt to tell the story of all the years of the writer’s life, least of all of the outward events of those years.
This book is a collection of interviews given during the lifetime of St Josemaria Escriva, which explain what Opus Dei is and describe some basic aspects of its spirit and organisation.
MonsCormac Burke candidly and charitably discusses sexual identity in marriage and family life, family planning, divorce, contraception, the value of children, the family in today’s society, and more.
The author’s purpose is to discuss the nature and ways of prayer from the point of view of the individual. It is not a scientific analysis nor a certified catalogue of various difficulties, but rather, it is modern spirituality at its best: a book that will encourage the reader to press on and to persevere and to struggle in prayer
“I am convinced that God meant Christianity for Africa as He meant Africa for Christianity. This is the message of this book, a message that fills the African heart with pride. May the book lead all its readers to follow Christ with greater fidelity and sense of commitment” Anthony O. Cardinal Okogie
FREQUENT CONFESSION presents convincing and strong evidence for the benefits of frequent reception of the sacrament of Penance for the health and growth of the spiritual life of all the faithful.
FRIENDS OF GOD is a collection of 18 homilies, given by St Josemaria Escriva during his life of tireless preaching. The homilies present a broad picture of the basic human and Christian virtues for all who wish to follow closely in the footsteps of Our Lord.
Like The Way, Furrow is the fruit of St Josemaria’s interior life and experience with souls. It presents an attractive Christian vision of the human virtues. “Furrow is directed to the whole Christian person – body and soul, nature and grace,” wrote Bishop Alvaro del Portillo in the foreword of the book. and charitable.
The Holy Bible was the first printed book and remains the all-time best seller since it came off Guttenberg’s first printing press in 1493. Although there are many guides to Bible study, this one is distinguished by its brief and comprehensive approach, covering the basic dimensions of the Bible: revelation, history, literature, salvation and the Church.
The author defends Catholicism from fundamentalist attacks and explains why fundamentalism has been so successful in converting “Romanists.” He explains the origins of fundamentalism, and examines representative anti-Catholic groups presenting their arguments in their own words. His rebuttals are clear, detailed, and charitable.
The author defends Catholicism from fundamentalist attacks and explains why fundamentalism has been so successful in converting “Romanists.” He explains the origins of fundamentalism, and examines representative anti-Catholic groups presenting their arguments in their own words. His rebuttals are clear, detailed, and charitable.
Over the years, Polycarp and Felicity Okolie have been involved in instructing couple preparing for marriage. They apply their rich experiences in this book, written in a simple and clear language with relevant references to Holy scripture, Vatican II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and relevant works on marriage.
In this book St Josemaria reveals the secret of overcoming monotony and routine when praying the Rosary, and portrays each Mystery with illuminating eyes of faith — helping you become absorbed in contemplation when you pray to Our Lady. This handsome book is small enough to carry with you everywhere and use whenever you have a moment to spend with Our Lady.
HUMAN SEXUALITY AND SEX EDUCATION is a challenging and timely study on the current and important topic of sexuality. It present the ideal of chastity with a clear and appealing language easily understood by both young and old.
Daily meditations that follow the Church’s liturgical calendar. Subjects relate to themes from the Mass readings for that day or the liturgical season. Each has a soft vinyl cover and slip case. Vol. 1- Advent & Christmas; Vol. 2- Lent & Eastertide; Vol. 3,4, & 5 – Ordinary Time; Vol.6 & 7- Special Feasts.
The author presents the full panorama of a Christian life. The subjects include our Lord’s call to everyone to a life of perfection, a constant spiritual struggle through the practice of human and supernatural virtues, and the frequent reception of the sacraments.
In the School of the Holy Spirit will help you get to know the Sanctifier of your soul. It will lead you to be more attentive to the movements of the Holy Spirit in your life as you learn to love the third person of the Holy Trinity. Philippe explains the rewards of being attentive to the Holy Spirit and provides simple and concrete ways to grow in this inner sensitivity. In his clear and simple style, he illustrates his points with many examples from modern life.
Interior Freedom will help those who want to make themselves available for those marvellous interior renewals that the Holy Spirit wants to operate in hearts and in this way reach the glorious freedom of the children of God.
INTRODUCTION TO DEVOUT LIFE is one of the great religious and devotional masterpieces of all time. Written for Christians in every walk of life and every age, the book transcends secular lines and provides a unique handbook of spiritual reflection for people in the world.
The author is imbued with the conviction that holiness is to be sought in the context of one’s everyday occupations. As a result, we have to hand very practical prayer-material. The book can be opened anywhere and the reader will find much to inspire and encourage.
Joseph of Nazareth is a series of reflections on the life of St Joseph in the light of faith and based on revelation. At the end the reader’s love for and devotion to this great saint will have grown considerably. For Joseph, the last of the patriarchs, shows how any one of us can come to be a great saint.
The book brings you personal conversion accounts packed with biblical, theological and historical proofs for Catholicism, and give a great testimony to the fullness of the Catholic Faith. These stories of conversion merge into a sustained argument for the truth of the Catholic Faith. The converts anxieties, doubts, reasons, and affirmations are reported candidly – nothing is held back.
Unlike most standard lives of Mary, this book is grounded on a precise and scientific exegesis of the Sacred Scripture. To this biblical background the author adds his knowledge of the practices, customs, and usages prevailing in the Palestine of that day.
In Lifeline, James B. Stenson summarizes the proven methods and techniques of effective Christian parents today. This resourceful book is straight to the point and full of ideas that can be put into practice immediately.
This book explains why there is so much turmoil in our personal lives and in the world. It answers the questions: How can I find peace and happiness? Why should I go to confession? What should I confess? Why tell my sins to a priest? What is a mortal sin? Where in the Bible does it mention confession? It’s been so long since I went to confession. What do I say? What do I do? How can I use confession to grow in holiness? How do I examine my conscience?
With a positive and clear language this book presents the basis of what Christ has taught us, namely, that everything we are commanded by God’s law is easy if there is love.
The stimulating response from many married couples who attest to having saved or strengthened their marriage by God’s grace and their personal effort. Their comments have been useful in the preparation of this updated and expanded edition.
At times, perhaps unconsciously, we are inclined to think that our Lady is more to be admired than imitated. In this book, Fr. Suarez, along with studying the life, character, thoughts and piety of our Lady, also compares her moral and religious attitude to our own, focusing special attention on certain specific problems – for instance, vocation in whatever state and condition we find ourselves.
In a clear and attractive way, the author exposes the contents of the Revelation and the Magisterium on the Virgin Mary. It also incorporates the latest teachings of John Paul II.
Parenting for Character is a practical manual to help parents develop in their children qualities necessary for a happy and fulfilling adult life. These include sound judgement, responsibility, self-control, integrity, perseverance, courage and resilience.
In Paul of Tarsus , Joseph Holzner weaves together the New Testament’s often sketchy information about the life and mission of St. Paul into a unified and inspiring biography.
This book is a simple but systematic and comprehensive exposition of our faith, the eternal newness of the Gospel, “the breath and the length, the height and depth” of the riches hidden in Christ Jesus.
The twenty four meditations which make up A Retreat for Lay People were composed by the author during his long experience of preaching retreats. They are so arranged as to fit in with the traditional lines laid down in the Spiritual Exercises.
Their conversion story and love for the Church has captured the hearts and minds of thousands of lukewarm Catholics and brought them back into an active participation in the Church. They have also influenced countless conversions to Catholicism among their friends and others who have heard their powerful testimony.
The author illustrates not only that the Catholic Faith is fully Bible-based, but that only the Catholic Church truly interprets the Bible correctly: At the same time, she demonstrates the wonderful unity of Scripture and God’s Providence in planning from the dawn of time for the Church’s flowering.
This easy-to-read book shows that the way to God and the perfection that is demanded of us is shorter and more efficacious, markedly easier too, when one has learned, little by little, how to conserve, in all circumstances, a profound peace of heart.
Authors: Jenaro Molina, The Congregation for Catholic Education and the Pontifical Council on the Family
When faced with the delicate task of explaining human sexuality to their children parents often feel that they do not know when or where to start. This handbook provides you with a wealth of knowledge to confidently be able to bring up your children as Christian men and women.
This book on the life of Simon Peter by Georges Chevrot examines the many occasions where Peter’s actions could be interpreted as proof of his love and loyalty, but which also showed a lack of fortitude in his rash behavior: walking on the water, striking out with the sword in the garden, and finally, unnecessarily risking his life inside the high priest’s palace which led to his three denials of Jesus.
The authors show how a successful marriage is largely a matter of mutual understanding; but very especially too a matter of being ready to give rather than just wanting to take. This is also true, for without generosity neither marriage nor any real friendship can prosper or even survive.
The Story of a Soul conveys St Therese of Liseux’s “Little Way” of spiritual childhood – her “elevator” to Heaven, as she called it. This method was approved by Pope Pius XI as a way for all to grow in holiness through unfailing confidence and childlike delight in God’s merciful love.
This book describes the saints in a very human way with their defects that they overcame by insisting. Every reader will see himself reflected in his struggles, falls, and discouragements in this life, but the words of Father Urteaga will give us encouragement and hope to get up again and again.
In this book Gerald Vann presents a whole programme of holiness based on the Eight Beatitudes and the Sacramental life for the Christian who wants to know, love and serve God in this world and be happy with Him forever in the next.
The author esxplains how the Beatitudes impose a program of personal struggle which represents the foundation of Christian life. Only when these teachings are lived will society also reflect that Christian life.
The Faith Applied emphasizes the importance of both doctrinal knowledge and ascetical practice as a means of insuring serious personal commitment in living the Faith.
The Faith Explained continues to be a very useful book for priests and teachers of Catholic Doctrine as well as a standard reference book for every Catholic home and library.
The Forge is the third collection of St Josemaria’s refreshingly brief but profoundly weighty reflections and meditations on how to live the Christian life o its absolute fullest.
The Holy Spirit answers the need of many people for “a deeper and more accurate knowledge of the Holy Spirit,” in the author’s words. The Holy Spirit’s role in creation as the fountain of life and the first of God’s gifts is studied along with the Spirit’s mission, divine filiation, and the principles of growth.
In THE INTERIOR CASTLE the great St. Teresa of Avila presents a remarkable description of the entire spiritual life, beginning with the first step out of mortal sin into Sanctifying Grace and ending with the Mystical Marriage of the soul with Christ.
Hasid is a white dog with a yellow spot on his forehead in the shape of a star. He was chosen among all dogs to be the guardian of the most wonderful family in the world. Through his eyes, we will get to know Joseph, Mary and the Child better and relate closely with them as one more member of the family.
This book is a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration which offers a clear vision of Our Lord’s parables, gathered as a single system with uniform principles of interpretation and a uniform ground-plan namely, the Catholic doctrine of the Church and of human salvation thrown into relief against a background of Jewish Messianic speculation.
The author urges people to go against the current of an easygoing life and to commit themselves generously, giving testimony to their faith in all its consequences.
In this edition of the Revised Standard Version of the New Testament the message of salvation is presented with beauty of language and clarity of expression. Here is the record for all men of good will to read. In it we find the consummate expression of God presented to us all in Christ Jesus, Our Lord.
An epic story spanning cultures, it tells the lives of three generations of women. It traces the story of Akoko in her rich traditional Luo setting, through to the children who live and die in the 20th century.
The Mass is the centre and source of a Christian’s spiritual life. This book leads the reader to a doctrinal and devotional understanding of the Sacrifice and to discover how the other activities in one’s day relate to it.
Bishop Shanahan (1871–1943) of Southern Nigeria was the only non-Igbo to be afforded the honour of a Second Burial. His bones were disinterred and in 1955 were Laid to rest in Onitsha cathedral in the heart of the land of the lgbos. This book describes the amazing story of this man who was so much beloved.
The book cites a large body of biblical, philosophical and scientific evidence to highlight some disastrous consequences of the modern sexual revolution on humanity’s temporal and eternal values.
The Spiritual Combat is a book of time-tested strategy for achieving spiritual victory; it is a great guide on which to form one’s soul and launch it firmly on the way of solid virtue.
Handsomely illustrated with exquisite classic drawings, this pocket book gives you St Josemaria’s vivid and inspiring insights into each Station, along with the points for meditation for each one.
This book draws from the clear waters of Catholic Truth to help the reader, who is so often immersed in a contaminated doctrinal environment, acquire the certainty of the Faith.
The strength, the attraction of The Way is largely due to the fact that it is based on real, living experience, being the fruit of the author’s work as a priest which began in 1925. Over the years, more than four and half million copies have been sold, in 45 different languages.
Through the entire Way of Perfection there runs the author’s desire to teach others to love prayer, the most effective means of attaining virtue. Her counsels are the fruit, not of lofty mental speculations, but of mature practical experience.
In Time for God , author Jacques Philippe mainly concentrates on mental prayer: prayer that consists of facing God in solitude and silence for a time in order to enter into intimate, loving communion with him.
This book shows you each one’s firm foundation in Scripture, Church history, and the unchanging teaching of the Church — as well as its importance in helping you draw closer to God. It also includes a revealing examination of the importance of the Eucharist in daily life.
Serious needs of today’s parents are not being met effectively. Upbringing addresses the most important of those needs. Where are we headed? What sort of men and women do we hope our children will grow up to be? Are we making progress and how can we tell? What do we have to do now to help our children grow towards responsible adulthood?
Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross is the central act of human existence which links every act of suffering, self-giving, or self-denial with God Himself. The author forcefully makes the connection between the Crucifixion as the horrible expiation for all sins and the need for ordinary faithful to willingly embrace suffering in its various forms to find their way to God.
Many persons have found a sure way of life through self-surrender to the will of God. This book is not intended as the exposition of a theory but as a practical guide of souls.
You Can Become A Saint! is a treasure of spiritual and practical wisdom for the Catholic laity. Page after page is filled with down to earth directives on how to become holy in today’s secularized world. This book makes fascinating reading. But far more important, it tells the believing Christian how to be holy and happy here on earth, in anticipation of that blessed eternity for which we were made